Example of a sociological hypothesis

Subject : Social Studies

Question: Which of the following is NOT an example of a sociological hypothesis?

A) The more study halls students are given during the school day, the worse they perform on their tests.

B) The more CDs Jamilla buys, the less money she has in her bank account

C) The longer an inmate spends in prison, the more difficult it is for him to adapt to the outside world.

D) The more positive reinforcement a parent gives a child, the better they do in

Expert Verified Answer:

The more CDs Jamilla buys, the less money she has in her bank account

This statement is not an example of a sociological hypothesis; rather, it is a straightforward observation about personal finance. Sociological hypotheses generally involve broader social patterns or relationships between social variables, rather than individual financial behaviors. The other examples relate to social phenomena and hypothesize relationships between variables in a sociological context.

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